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GC 2006 :: The Nintendo Press Conference is mobbed

by Nick Haywood on 23 August 2006, 19:54

Tags: Nintendo (TYO:7974)

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If yer name's not Danny yer not coming in!

GC 2006 I had to laugh the other day when I saw a story on another site that was based solely around the fact that Nintendo had invited them to the Nintendo Press Conference at GC 2006… Anyway, not being one to make a story out of nothing, (well, not very often), we just accepted our invite and rolled up for the conference at the Nintendo stand… and bloody hell, was it ever popular!

Click for larger image

The place was absolutely packed… Luckily for us, a quick flash of the Nintendo invite and in we went. Swiftly bypassing all the other guys trying to either blag their way in or find their names on the list ‘cos they’d forgotten to bring the invite…

Click for larger image

The conference itself didn’t reveal too much new info and was noticeable in the lack of confirmation of a Wii release date, but Nintendo did underline their commitment to focus on the casual gamer with some new titles and the launch of a DS Lite in a fetching pastel pink colour.

We’ll have more details on the conference for you shortly, but for now, enjoy the pics and see if you can spot David in the audience in the picture below…

Click for larger image


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