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Battlefield 3 gears up for launch with stat-attack

by Steven Williamson on 18 October 2011, 10:44

Tags: Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA)

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With Battlefield 3’s open beta coming to an end, and the October 25th launch date imminent, EA DICE has released some impressive stats.

Over 8 million people played Battlefield 3 during the open beta with 47 billion shots fired and 1.5 billion kills racked up. At this rate, Battlefield 3 looks very likely to achieve record sales and take some of the shine away from its rival, Activision’s Modern Warfare 3 which is released on November 8th.

Click for larger image

In September, EA revealed that 1.25 million copies of Battlefield 3 had been pre-ordered, surpassing preorder figures of all previous Battlefield games. Judging by these stats, that figure has likely rocketed over the beta phase.

Due for release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, Battlefield 3 puts players into role of the elite US Marines as they fight against the People's Liberation and Resistance (PLR) near the Iraq/Iran border.

Much has been made of the enhanced level of destruction you can cause in the game and the exciting blend of ground and vehicle-based warfare across sprawling, open environments. Battlefield 3’s crowning gem, however, looks likely to be the multiplayer mode, which features 64-player battles on PC, a host of great game modes and some stunning-looking maps.

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Clicking for the larger email doesn't work, and you cant see the small print with the current pic! :(
i picked the worst time ever to move house. No proper internet until the middle of novemeber and just a silly dongle with 4gb usage to last til then, The install files will probably be double that so cant even download and play single player either
The download is ~10GB
Where do you download it from
Origin (EA Store).