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Plenty of unannounced Xbox 360 exclusives coming our way in 2009

by Steven Williamson on 14 January 2009, 16:03

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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There are plenty of unannounced Xbox 360 exclusives coming our way in 2009, teases Microsoft's director of Xbox product management, Aaron Greenberg.

Speaking in an interview with Eurogamer, Greenberg said that Microsoft doesn't usually start off the New Year by making big announcements about its plans for the upcoming year, but instead it waits until E3 to announce such things like the New Xbox Experience.

"We sure have not announced our line-up for the full year, and we'll probably wait till later to do that. We typically take the under-promise and over-deliver approach; we like to talk about products a little bit closer to when they're ready to share with consumers."

Asked whether we can expect further innovation and brand new IP's for Xbox 360 in 2009, Greenberg enthused

"Absolutely, without a doubt. I wouldn't even isolate it to games. I would also remind you that we have a massive team focused on innovation. The same team that built the New Xbox Experience is bringing in all types of new experiences to consumers in 2009.

"I can safely say that if you're an Xbox 360 owner today, you will end 2009 with a whole slew of new features, new content, new partners, new games that today you don't know about."

It's a long wait until July to find out what's in store.

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Sadly, we'll have to wait until 2009 to find out.

You mean July don't you?